THE LADY OF SHALOTT , This text you are reading is from Maria Alejandra Bernal who tells about this story the Lady of Shalott. Written by Tennyson , this is a poem where the autor divides the text in four parts. The objective of the essay is to determinate whether there is any relationship with the values patience and caring in the story. Ok, so for the personal point of view of the author of this text, that means me. But before the settings of the story, is an island that has very beautiful and outstanding and green dominating landscapes. The tower where she lived was above a town called the Camelot. The plot of the whole story is centered in the life of this Lady that has a mysterious spell that just forbiddens her to live her life outside because she at the moment she would do that , her life was in danger. So moving on, there in the story does exist a relationship with thid two values, and you can clearly see that because of the character traits of the main character ...
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2019